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Skarka na admina Drifter PL

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Gralem na mapie Jail_piramid w ct byl admin Drifter PL on dal zabawe Kaczki ssiedzalem na Zombie Romm i napisel mu "nigdy mnie nie znajdzesz" on za to mi dal kicka. Wbilem na serva i powiedzalem "nie umiesz nikogo zlapac to kicki dajesz??" a on za to dal mi bana

[AMXBANS] ===============================================

[AMXBANS] Banned by admin Drifter PL

[AMXBANS] You can complain regarding your ban @ www.yoursite.com

[AMXBANS] Reason: 'obraza i kpina za admina ,)) masz'

[AMXBANS] Length: '1 week'


[AMXBANS] Your IP: ''

[AMXBANS] ========================================

A wiec prosze o UB

A tak po za tym to ten admin nie ogarnia wcale tego serva ostatnio byl w ct i sie pytal jak przekazac prowadzenie!! :-)

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